
The Biotechnology Program at High Tech High is seeking financial support to produce a one-hour documentary from the 2008 African Bushmeat Expedition.  View the preliminary trailer for the upcoming documentary on the African Bushmeat Expedition.The documentary will highlight the collaborative efforts of High Tech High, the local biotechnology industry, and the Zoological Society of San Diego in combating the African bushmeat crisis.  Specifically, the film will outline the journey of Dr. Vavra and his students to Tanzania and their discoveries related to current challenges in wildlife conservation practices, prosecution of poachers, and the views of  tribal populations regarding wildlife management including: Maasai pastoralists, Iraqw agriculturalists and forest managers, and Hadza hunter-gatherers.  The goal of the documentary is to raise further awareness regarding the bushmeat crisis and lead to establishing a laboratory and training site in East Africa for the analysis and identification of bushmeat samples provided by local wildlife officials.

View the preliminary trailer for the upcoming documentary on the African Bushmeat Expedition.

If you would like to donate to the African Bushmeat Expedition please contact us and we will give you more information.


Field Guide